3d rc plane Mercury Fixed wing rc plane aircraft take your RC flying to the next level rc plane kit F3P Remote Control Plane

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Warm reminder:
3D Mercury fuselage delivery method: fuselage packaging plate will be cut from the middle, installation and then paste back, will not affect the normal flight, please rest assured to buy, if you do not accept the packaging, do not buy!

Safe turn video tutorial
1. https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTkwNTYzOTk0NA==.html?spm=a2hbt.13141534.1_2.d_1&scm=20140719.manual.114461.video_XNTkwNTYzOTk0NA==

2. https://v. youku.com/v_show/id_XNTkwNTgxOTE5Mg==.html?spm=a2hbt.13141534.1_2.d_0&scm=20140719.manual.114461.video_XNTkwNTgxOTE5Mg==

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