Speedybee F405 V4 Stack BLS 55A 4-in-1 ESC&FC 30×30 RC iNAV Betaflight Configure Bluetooth 3-6S FPV 5-8 inch frame Drone parts

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Product Name

SpeedyBee BLS 55A 30×30 4-in-1 ESC


BLHeli_S J-H-40

PC Configurator Download Link


Continuous Current

55A * 4

Burst Current

70(10 seconds)

TVS Protective diode


External Capacitor

1000uF Low ESR Capacitor(In the package)

ESC Protocol


Power Input

3-6S LiPo

Power Output


Current Sensor

Support (Scale=400 Offset=0)

ESC Telemetry

Not supported


30.5 x 30.5mm( 4mm hole diameter)


45.6(L) * 44(W) *8mm(H)



Product Name

SpeedyBee F405 V4 30×30 Flight Controller





USB Port Type




OSD Chip

AT7456E chip

BLE Bluetooth

Supported. Used for Flight Controller configuration (MSP should be enabled with Baud rate 115200 on UART4)


Not supported

DJI Air Unit Connection Way

Two ways supported: 6-pin connector or direct soldering.

6-pin DJI Air Unit Plug

Supported. Completely compatible with DJI O3/RunCam Link/Caddx Vista/DJI Air Unit V1, no wire is needed to be changed.

Blackbox MicroSD Card Slot

*Betaflight firmware requires the type of the microSD card to be either Standard (SDSC) or High capacity (SDHC) under 32GB, so extended capacity cards (SDXC) are not supported(Many high-speed U3 cards are SDXC). Also the microSD card MUST be formatted with the FAT16 or FAT32 (recommended) format, you could use any SD card less than 32GB, but the Betaflight can only recognize 4GB maximum. We suggest you use this 3rd party formatting tool and choose ‘Overwrite format’ then format your card. Also check out here for the recommended SD cards or buy the tested cards from our store.

Current Sensor Input

Supported. For SpeedyBee BLS 55A ESC, please set scale = 400 and Offset = 0.

Power Input

3S – 6S Lipo(Through G, BAT pins/pads from the 8-pin connector or 8-pads on the bottom side)

5V Output

9 groups of 5V output, four +5V pads and 1 BZ+ pad( used for Buzzer) on front side, and 4x LED 5V pads. The total current load is 3A.

9V Output

2 groups of 9V output, one +9V pad on front side and other included in a connector on bottom side. The total current load is 3A.

3.3V Output

Supported. Designed for 3.3V-input receivers. Up to 500mA current load.

4.5V Output

Supported. Designed for receiver and GPS module even when the FC is powered through the USB port. Up to 1A current load.

ESC Signal

M1 – M4 on bottom side and M5-M8 on front side.


6 sets(UART1, UART2, UART3, UART4(Dedicated for Bluetooth connection)), UART5(Dedicated for ESC telemetry),UART6

ESC Telemetry



Supported. SDA & SCL pads on front side. Used for magnetometer, sonar, etc.

Traditional Betaflight LED Pad

Supported. 5V, G and LED pads on bottom of the front side. Used for WS2812 LED controlled by Betaflight firmware.


BZ+ and BZ- pad used for 5V Buzzer

BOOT Button

[A]. Press and hold BOOT button and power the FC on at the same time will force the FC to enter DFU mode, this is for firmware flashing when the FC gets bricked.
[B]. When the FC is powered on and in standby mode, the BOOT button can be used to controller the LED strips connected to LED1-LED4 connectors on the bottom side. By default, short-press the BOOT button to cycle the LED displaying mode. Long-press the BOOT button to switch between SpeedyBee-LED mode and BF-LED mode. Under BF-LED mode, all the LED1-LED4 strips will be controlled by Betaflight firmware.

RSSI Input

Supported. Named as RS on the front side.

Smart Port / F.Port

Not supported

Supported Flight Controller Firmware

BetaFlight(Default), INAV

Firmware Target Name



30.5 x 30.5mm( 4mm hole diameter)


41.6(L) x 39.4(W) x 7.8(H)mm




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